Migraine Tip1: Keep a headache diary.

The exact causes of migraines aren't clear, and migraines seem to be triggered by a wide variety of different things.

A headache diary can help you determine this, and it can also help you and your doctor monitor the effectiveness of treatments.

Being able to review a record of things done, eaten, experienced, and felt during the 24 hours prior to the onset of a migraine can teach you a great deal about your personal triggers.

Some of the possible triggers for migraines include:

1.  Low blood sugar – brought on by hunger or too many refined
2.  Dehydration – inadequate intake of fluids through the day.
3.  Shock, stress, or worry.
4.  Loud noise, especially continuous.
5.  Hormonal changes.
6.  Close proximity to compact fluorescent lights (curly bulbs).
7. Foods containing tyramine and/or nitrites – eggplant, potatoes, sausage, smoked meat (bacon, ham), spinach, sugar, aged cheese, beer, and red wine. Other tyramine containing foods include cheese (in general), chocolate, fried food, bananas, plums, broad beans, spinach, tomatoes, and citrus fruit. Foods with high levels of seasoning such as MSG or artificial additives might also contribute to triggering a migraine. Soy products, particularly fermented ones, can contain high tyramine levels. Tofu, soy sauce, and teriyaki sauce, and miso are examples of such soy products.

8.  Food allergies. An allergy to a certain type of food can trigger a migraine in susceptible people.

9.  Lack of sleep – a disturbed sleep routine reduces your energy and tolerance. Insomnia increases the chances of a migraine.

10.  Bright light or certain colors of light.

11. Changes in the weather or climate (barometric pressure). A dry atmosphere or a warm, dry wind can trigger migraines.


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