Tips to Get Rid of baby eczema

 Eczema is quite common in babies because their immune system and digestive system are still developing and their skin is much thinner than adult's. While skin care is an essential part in baby eczema treatment, proper nutrition shouldn't be overlooked as this is the only way to naturally strengthen the skin barrier, eliminate allergies and boost the immune system.

As eczema worsens, the skin becomes more itchy, red, thickened, and grooved, and may blister, weep, and crack.

1. Stop using any kind of detergent or soap on the baby's skin. A nine month old will come nice and clean with olive oil. When you can get it pure lanolin will also work--if it is pure it has to be warmed to become liquid. Both of these will hold moisture in the skin and help it heal. 

2. Many babies with eczema are allergic to milk. A local Peds Allergy Specialist takes baby eczema patients off all dairy for 1 week, just to see if that is the problem. 

3.If the infant is breast fed, then mothers diet contains the problem food and need to be changed. A decision has to be made based on the severity of the infant's conditions. If the eczema is mild and the infant is otherwise health and happy, the best decision will be to use steroid cream sparingly to control the skin eruption and monitor the child carefully for further symptoms.

4. Use lightweight clothing, such as cotton, to allow the baby’s skin to breatheAvoid heavy, scratchy material like wool,Wash the baby’s clothing in fragrance-free, mild detergents.

5. Place soft socks or mittens on the baby’s hands to prevent him or her from scratching the affected areas. Use a humidifier in the baby’s room to help moisture in the air.

6. Use calendula cream, chamomile tea, unrefined olive oil and sea salt baths to soothe and treat the baby eczema. 

Here is a list of foods that are known to cause eczema in babies and should be removed from the diet:

  • Cow dairy (milk, cheese, yogurt) - replace with goats dairy. Cow dairy in formula can sometimes be enough to flare up eczema. If possible, feed your baby instead of cow diary with breast milk (it is the purest of all milks). Breast milk is an important factor in building up a strong immune system.
  • Citrus
  • Wheat
  • Soy
  • Berries
  • Chocolate, peanuts and peanut butter
  • Fish


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