Sex Tips: How To Last Longer In Bed

Premture ejaculation is one of the oldest and most troublesome problems in the bedroom, dissolving a supremely romantic moment into awkwardness and embarrassment. One usually learns how to last longer with practice and experience. Familiarity with your partner helps a great deal. Besides the old standby of thinking about baseball, however, a number of moderately easy methods can help you to last longer in bed without a great deal of of fuss.

Step 1
Wear a condom. You should be practicing safe sex anyway in order to prevent disease or unwanted pregnancy, but a condom can be a great way to extend your sessions. It numbs the sensation in your penis while still allowing you to remain aroused. Try to look for condom brands that don't advertise their sensitivity.

Step 2
Get circumcised. Men with circumcised penises can last 2 to 3 times longer than those without. The procedure is very simple: urologists can perform it using local anesthesia, and the patient can usually go home the same day.

Step 3
Masturbate to ejaculation before your engage in penetration. This can become a part of foreplay very easily. If you engage in it deliberately, you can be ready to go again without breaking the mood. It invariably takes longer to reach orgasm the second time around than the first.

Step 4
"Practice" by masturbating with your partner's needs in mind. Work on holding off ejaculation for at least fifteen minutes...or however long she requires to be satisfied. The more you work at it, the easier it will be when you're with her.

Step 5
Keep your thrusts shallow. Don't penetrate more than 2 or 3 inches into the vagina. The area contains a great deal of sensitive nerve endings to help stimulate her, while the lack of penetration will keep your penis from becoming overly aroused.

Step 6
Practice Kegel, an exercise centered around tightening and loosening the muscles in the pelvic region. It works by contracting the pelvic floor muscle, holding it for 3 seconds, and then releasing it for another 3 seconds. Repeat the process 10 times per session and engage in 3 sessions every day. You can do it anywhere and it doesn't draw attention to itself. The increased control will allow you to hold off ejaculation more readily.

Skill: Moderately Easy
Tip: Communication is a vital part of sex. Regardless of how you intend to last longer in bed, talk to your partner about it. She may have ways to help, and the two of you can work together to keep your sessions enjoyable.


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