If you see a spot or shape pass in front of your field of vision or to the side, you are seeing a floater. They're inside the eye, and move with your eyes when you try to see them. You may also see flashes of light. These flashes tend to occur more often in older people and are usually caused by mechanical stimulation of photoreceptors when the vitreous pulls on the light-sensitive retina. They may be a warning sign of a detached retina. Flashes can also occur after a blow to the head, often called "seeing stars." I wouldn't be too worried, if you are you could always make an appointment for your optometrist.
i HAVE to say something for all of you concerned parents out there. there is a slight difference between the brightly colored spots or random shapes we see after looking at a light. these would be considered an "after image". an after image will follow the eyes - if you look up, it will move up. but what your children seem to be talking about is not an after image. if you can sit still and watch this colored circle move about on its own accord, than i can assure you it isn't the after image of light, or these optical phenomena that many eye doctors have told me of. ive spent several years researching and delving into too many different areas of this subject to even explain. ive come to the conclusion that this phenomena is definitely somewhat "super-natural". im not telling you that your children are seeing ghosts, or spirits. but what i am saying is that more than likely, your children (because they havent yet been conditioned to ignore these "unseen" things as taboo) are seeing energy; which is no more super-natural than penicillin - but rather something that science books don't teach us but what real scientists study extensively. in fact, einstein called this energy "orgone". other cultures & people use words such as prana, chi, life force, etc. one woman mentioned auras. these are two different things, & yet very related. an aura is the energy or vibration, manifested as color, that surrounds all living things. another possibility is that the "spinning circles" some see are our chakras.
I see circles or orbs, auras around anything and everything, lines that appear like grids of bright light in certain places (esp my bedroom), squiggly white things in the sky that change with each location. at night or in dim light and ESPECIALLY total darkness, i can sit and literally watch a lightshow for hours. whether my eyes are open or closed, i mostly see the same thing. dozens of colors and shades that dance & swirl & mingle with one another. something changing shapes. sometimes moving with one another. sometimes within these orbs if i close my eyes & rlly concentrate, i can see vague images of unfamiliar faces & situations. sometimes the bright colored lights appear as actual matter in the air. like molecules or atoms or something. anyway, ive noticed several similarities during my travels/research on this subject.
1. starts early in life, often goes away & then comes back intensely during puberty (esp for girls)
2. people who experience these phenomenas are almost always extremely intelligent, advanced in some way, sensitive (physically & emotionally), impulsive, hyperactive, creative, very curious, adventurous, imaginative & often appear to be "an old soul" of sorts..or on a different level of thinking and concentration.
3. have migraines, allergies, ADHD, ADD, sensitivities, sleep disorders (night terrors, sleepwalking, etc) and many more.
4.HEAD TRAUMA can bring upon these experiences, or intensify what was already there.
coming from someone who has only recently come to this passive and peaceful conclusion, i must say that your children are most likely not crazy, or sick. although, coming from a family with a very concerned greek mother (lol) i ALWAYS suggest seeing a doctor for any kind of problem..because there are NUMEROUS things that are VERY SERIOUS that can have very similar symptoms. some would include eye problems, epilepsy or other seizure disorder, mental illness (schizophrenia, etc), or even synesthesia (not so serious, & actually very interesting - look it up!) if you rule out everything else - ALWAYS GET A SECOND OPINION WITH DOCTORS...ALWAYS.. & your child is otherwise completely healthy, and also shares similarities with some of the things ive included..than i would suggest telling your children that its just a part of who they are. maybe share with them something about you that is unique. ask them to draw or paint a picture of what they see. become interested in learning about it. ask questions. be open. otherwise, dealing with things like this with poor coping skills can definitely start manifesting something beautiful into a mental illness in adulthood. don;'t let them feel alienated, because that's when children start PRIVATELY questioning life and the things they see. children just arent equipped enough to deal with weighing questions like that alone. dont let it get to that point. let them know that talking about it and expressing it is a good thing.when i was young and would mention the things i saw, including these orbs and auras, my parents would gently pass it off and assure me it was nothing. therefor i privately tossed these thoughts around in my head. i asked classmates, all of which looked at me like i was crazy. and so eventually, in early adulthood, i truly started feeling crazy. i started seeking answers. first it started with doctors - just about every kind you can think of. NOTHING WRONG. then i started seeing different therapists, ive had my brain scanned in every way a person can. ive had my eyes checked extensively.
i have also had several well respected psychologists and psychiatrists examine every aspect of my nature. almost every single one of these doctors told me that i showed NO signs of mental illness, except one who settled on schizophrenia as a last resort. i was HORRIFIED. finally, i found a doctor who gave me a full examination and over the course of a few months i finally told her why i was there - to find out what was wrong with me seeing these colors. she looked up from her book, smiled wildly, and said "what color am i?" and immediately i said "lavender" (her white walls behind her had lavender shades and lines) she again smiled gently and said "you're a bit eccentric. but you are far from crazy. what your seeing is probably just the aura. most children and animals see them - but social norms force young children to shut that part of their bodies off. you obviously have not. an indian shaman told me my aura was naturally lavender. and i find it interesting that you had the same answer".. anyway, after you're done worrying about your child's physical being, and after getting no other responses or answers from doctors, i would feel very comfortable with settling on that conclusion. regardless of your religion, culture, race, or identity; the energy i'm speaking of presents itself everywhere - and since the beginning of time. even christians spoke of the yellow/gold glow that surrounded jesus' head. the "halo" of light; his aura(: buddhists depicted buddha as having a halo of energy around him. look into it. AND REMEMBER - THE MOST IMPORTANT PART IN DEALING WITH THESE THINGS, ESPECIALLY WITH CHILDREN, IS TO ALWAAYSSSS KEEP A POSITIVE ENERGY AND ATTITUDE TOWARD IT. direct love and prayer toward anything negative your children are connecting with the colors. fear is the devil's tool, and darkness CANNOT exist where there is light (the one within all of us).
i HAVE to say something for all of you concerned parents out there. there is a slight difference between the brightly colored spots or random shapes we see after looking at a light. these would be considered an "after image". an after image will follow the eyes - if you look up, it will move up. but what your children seem to be talking about is not an after image. if you can sit still and watch this colored circle move about on its own accord, than i can assure you it isn't the after image of light, or these optical phenomena that many eye doctors have told me of. ive spent several years researching and delving into too many different areas of this subject to even explain. ive come to the conclusion that this phenomena is definitely somewhat "super-natural". im not telling you that your children are seeing ghosts, or spirits. but what i am saying is that more than likely, your children (because they havent yet been conditioned to ignore these "unseen" things as taboo) are seeing energy; which is no more super-natural than penicillin - but rather something that science books don't teach us but what real scientists study extensively. in fact, einstein called this energy "orgone". other cultures & people use words such as prana, chi, life force, etc. one woman mentioned auras. these are two different things, & yet very related. an aura is the energy or vibration, manifested as color, that surrounds all living things. another possibility is that the "spinning circles" some see are our chakras.
I see circles or orbs, auras around anything and everything, lines that appear like grids of bright light in certain places (esp my bedroom), squiggly white things in the sky that change with each location. at night or in dim light and ESPECIALLY total darkness, i can sit and literally watch a lightshow for hours. whether my eyes are open or closed, i mostly see the same thing. dozens of colors and shades that dance & swirl & mingle with one another. something changing shapes. sometimes moving with one another. sometimes within these orbs if i close my eyes & rlly concentrate, i can see vague images of unfamiliar faces & situations. sometimes the bright colored lights appear as actual matter in the air. like molecules or atoms or something. anyway, ive noticed several similarities during my travels/research on this subject.
1. starts early in life, often goes away & then comes back intensely during puberty (esp for girls)
2. people who experience these phenomenas are almost always extremely intelligent, advanced in some way, sensitive (physically & emotionally), impulsive, hyperactive, creative, very curious, adventurous, imaginative & often appear to be "an old soul" of sorts..or on a different level of thinking and concentration.
3. have migraines, allergies, ADHD, ADD, sensitivities, sleep disorders (night terrors, sleepwalking, etc) and many more.
4.HEAD TRAUMA can bring upon these experiences, or intensify what was already there.
coming from someone who has only recently come to this passive and peaceful conclusion, i must say that your children are most likely not crazy, or sick. although, coming from a family with a very concerned greek mother (lol) i ALWAYS suggest seeing a doctor for any kind of problem..because there are NUMEROUS things that are VERY SERIOUS that can have very similar symptoms. some would include eye problems, epilepsy or other seizure disorder, mental illness (schizophrenia, etc), or even synesthesia (not so serious, & actually very interesting - look it up!) if you rule out everything else - ALWAYS GET A SECOND OPINION WITH DOCTORS...ALWAYS.. & your child is otherwise completely healthy, and also shares similarities with some of the things ive included..than i would suggest telling your children that its just a part of who they are. maybe share with them something about you that is unique. ask them to draw or paint a picture of what they see. become interested in learning about it. ask questions. be open. otherwise, dealing with things like this with poor coping skills can definitely start manifesting something beautiful into a mental illness in adulthood. don;'t let them feel alienated, because that's when children start PRIVATELY questioning life and the things they see. children just arent equipped enough to deal with weighing questions like that alone. dont let it get to that point. let them know that talking about it and expressing it is a good thing.when i was young and would mention the things i saw, including these orbs and auras, my parents would gently pass it off and assure me it was nothing. therefor i privately tossed these thoughts around in my head. i asked classmates, all of which looked at me like i was crazy. and so eventually, in early adulthood, i truly started feeling crazy. i started seeking answers. first it started with doctors - just about every kind you can think of. NOTHING WRONG. then i started seeing different therapists, ive had my brain scanned in every way a person can. ive had my eyes checked extensively.
i have also had several well respected psychologists and psychiatrists examine every aspect of my nature. almost every single one of these doctors told me that i showed NO signs of mental illness, except one who settled on schizophrenia as a last resort. i was HORRIFIED. finally, i found a doctor who gave me a full examination and over the course of a few months i finally told her why i was there - to find out what was wrong with me seeing these colors. she looked up from her book, smiled wildly, and said "what color am i?" and immediately i said "lavender" (her white walls behind her had lavender shades and lines) she again smiled gently and said "you're a bit eccentric. but you are far from crazy. what your seeing is probably just the aura. most children and animals see them - but social norms force young children to shut that part of their bodies off. you obviously have not. an indian shaman told me my aura was naturally lavender. and i find it interesting that you had the same answer".. anyway, after you're done worrying about your child's physical being, and after getting no other responses or answers from doctors, i would feel very comfortable with settling on that conclusion. regardless of your religion, culture, race, or identity; the energy i'm speaking of presents itself everywhere - and since the beginning of time. even christians spoke of the yellow/gold glow that surrounded jesus' head. the "halo" of light; his aura(: buddhists depicted buddha as having a halo of energy around him. look into it. AND REMEMBER - THE MOST IMPORTANT PART IN DEALING WITH THESE THINGS, ESPECIALLY WITH CHILDREN, IS TO ALWAAYSSSS KEEP A POSITIVE ENERGY AND ATTITUDE TOWARD IT. direct love and prayer toward anything negative your children are connecting with the colors. fear is the devil's tool, and darkness CANNOT exist where there is light (the one within all of us).
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