natural eye care tips and exercises for beautiful eyes

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 Keywords: eye care tips,eye without glasses, eye lenses, vision without glasses

Staring and straining or the worse things you can do to your eyes. After a long day at work, the eyes are tired and need to relax and renew to improve vision. The constant strain day in and day out does nothing but damage the eyes. Below are three exercises design to remove the eye strain.

The first exercise is the Dot exercise. To do this find a period or comma on the page and focus on making it as clear as possible. Stare at the period until it comes into focus. Chances are after a few seconds the period will actually became less clear and blurry.
Try relaxing your eyes. Close them for a minute and let them relax. Now look at the period without straining. Don’t stare; instead, let your eyes slowly move around the page, over and around the period. Don’t focus only on the period, the eyes need movement. Make sure to blink a bit. Try closing your eyes and picturing the dot and then look at it again. Once the eyes are relaxed it should be easier to see the period.

The second exercise is the Word exercise. Find a word on the page that is five or more letters long. Stare at the word so that all the letters are in view, but don’t move the eyes. Focus entirely on the whole word trying to get the best image in your head. Again, staring and concentrating hard is going to cause the word to blur.
Now, relax your eyes and allow them to move slowly over, around, and across each letter of the word. Blink. Allow the eyes to lead you; don’t force them to look at what you want. The word should be clearer when you look at it again. Letter the eyes move around is what will help them work best without the strain.
The third exercise is the Double Vision exercise. This exercise is meant to get your eyes to work together as a team. Most people use one eye to look at an object, while the other eye does its own thing. Squinting can help bring an object into focus with both eyes, but this causes unnecessary stress.  The trick is to relax the eyes, focus on the object in a calm way, and allow both eyes to focus together.
Learning exercises to relax the eyes is a great way to develop lasting habits and ensure great eyesight for years to come.

How to Discuss Eczema in childrens with Other Parents

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Are you the parent of a child was has eczema?  If so, get use to stares on the playground and whispering from other parents.  Unfortunately, many people mistakenly believe eczema is a contagious skin condition, but it is not.  In fact, you may need to start a discussion with other parents to stop the worry.

It is your decision as to whether you want to wait until other parents ask you about your child’s rash or if you want to start the discussion yourself. Either way, continue reading on for a few helpful talking points.

A great way to discuss your child’s eczema with other parents is to share what you know.  Eczema is inflammation of the skin. Basically, your child’s skin is irritated.  Tell other parents that there are many reasons for eczema, including the weather, airborne allergens, and contact with certain chemicals.  Close contact with the skin results in itching, only your child can’t stop, so a rash develops.  As dangerous looking as that rash may look, it is harmless to others.  Eczema is not contagious.  In fact, your child is at the most risk.  If they have an open wound that is left uncovered, the risk of infection increases.

If you don’t want to go all medical on other parents, compare eczema to traditional allergies.  When most of us think of allergies, sneezing and stuffy noses come to mind.  These are a body’s reaction to something it doesn’t like.  With eczema, the skin does the same.  Your child’s skin comes into contact with something it doesn’t like, something that irritates the skin surface.  That is why your child feels the need to itch and scratch, resulting in a rash.

The biggest concern that other parents have about eczema is their children catching it.  Regardless of how you discuss eczema, ensure everyone knows it isn’t contagious.  In addition to comparing the skin condition to allergies, compare it to a small cut on the skin.  It is harmless to others.  There is no reason why your child can’t be a normal kid and play with others because they suffer from atopic dermatitis.

Taking to other parents about eczema will help in social situations, but it won’t cure your child’s eczema.  Do to that, always be on the lookout for trigger factors.  In the meantime, use all-natural relief methods, such as moisturizer and skin healthy foods, to help your child seek relief.

Finding a cure for your child’s eczema may seem like a winless battle, but there is good news.  Research has shown that all-natural treatment systems, such as EczemaFree Forever, are successful at stopping eczema outbreaks.  

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